How I Trained Today #HITT

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November 13, 2013 by Katie


I’m starting a new segment on my blog called How I Trained Today or #HITT. A funny coincidence that most of my workouts have a HIIT element to them: High-Intensity Interval Training. Oh, acronyms. Hopefully I’ll find the time to update this more regularly to put more of my training up here.

So, here’s what I did today:

5 minute warm up on the cross trainer (I’ve got ankle issues so treadmill is out of the question today!)

300 metres on the rower – aiming for BEST TIME to complete this
30 weighted v-sits, I used a 10kg plate
30 full burpees
30 TRX jack knives, alternating knee to elbow on each side. You could use Swissball too.
30 dead lifts
30 side lifts (side plank with a small lift of the hips)
30 Kettlebell swings
200 metre row
Repeat all excercises above at 20 reps
100 metre row
Repeat all exercises above at 10 reps

Phew! If you are not dripping with sweat by the end of that, you weren’t working hard enough 😉

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